What is Living Discipleship?
Simply put, when Jesus calls disciples, he is calling kingdom-focused apprentices. He calls us to learn from him and to do the work of the Kingdom that he began more than 2000 years ago. We want to truly be disciples who are daily becoming more like Christ by the work of the holy spirit in our lives. Because we are being formed into his likeness we begin to have the same heart for others that he had for us when he called us. In this, we long for others to be living discipleship as well. This longing leads us to bring others to Jesus as well.
What is Creekside’s Purpose?
We are called to Challenge and Equip God’s Family to be Disciples and Make Disciples.
How do we carry out that purpose?

We believe that the Holy Spirit is always calling us deeper into him. There is always another step in the journey as we follow after him.

Part of the beauty of coming to Jesus is that he will take you and love you regardless of your past and he will give you a beautiful future as you follow after him. The Holy Spirit who dwells inside of the disciple transforms us more and more into the likeness of Jesus as we walk with him.

The way our lives are lived and the good that we do in the world is a result of what God has been doing inside of us as we follow Jesus. We call this living in the overflow. We believe that the disciple’s response to the love they are shown by Christ is showing love to the world. Not by our strength, but by what Christ is doing through us.