As we walk out these next steps, we move forward in prayerful wisdom, steadfast faith, and humble submission to the Lord’s guiding hand, ever mindful of Our Purpose built upon Jesus’ command to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…” [Matthew 28:19 -20] Beyond this leg of Our Path, we can pray and dream of many more exciting ways the Lord may see fit to use Creekside Church for His Kingdom!

Our Purpose
Our purpose at Creekside Church is to Live Discipleship. To us that means stepping deeper into connection with Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, and living in the overflow of the Father’s love as we carry it to the world around us.
Our Path
For the past year, Creekside members and leadership have been prayerfully seeking the Lord for a new vision. With the growth of our area, and developments within our church both past and present, it’s clear God has positioned Ellis County and Creekside Church for a mighty move of the Kingdom. As we travel this path, we want to commemorate what God has done, celebrate his faithfulness, and anticipate that he will continue to guide us in our mission in the community.
Our church has a long and rich history of prayerful submission to God’s leading. For well over 100 years now, this family of believers has seen His faithfulness through many seasons and changes, from our historic roots in 1800s DeSoto through the move to our current Midlothian campus. In various seasons our people have met in homes and schools, merged with other church families, and moved our fellowship across city lines; always moving forward with faith and confidence in the Lord’s leading.
In the early 1980s, that boldness of faith brought forth the vision to build an affordable housing development to minister to retired seniors. In 2005, with that same boldness, our leaders dared to dream of a new church campus and broke ground on a piece of property in the small town of Midlothian. And in 2020 an unexpected windfall from the sale of that DeSoto housing development allowed for the complete payoff of our property and current building, once more proving God’s faithful providence and His favor on our church! This financial blessing has also been accompanied by a season of new life and growth in our church, with expanding ministries and more families calling Creekside home.
Our community is rapidly growing and changing. Just in the area surrounding our church, we know there will soon be over 2500 new homes. We know that we cannot remain static, and we must be prepared for this growth. Leadership has been in contact with the developers and strategizing how Creekside can utilize opportunities to minister to these families. We do this because we know we must be proactive in bringing the message of Jesus to a world that desperately needs Him, and we know our world is literally changing just outside our door.
We are looking to the future with great expectations. We have seen God’s movement at Creekside and have already been blessed mightily, seeing our vision for Creekside continue to unfold and develop. So we prayerfully move FORWARD in FAITH with excitement and anticipation, having full confidence in His ability to provide.
As we’ve meditated on Our Purpose and how it’s led us to where we are, a vision has taken shape of what it can look like in the coming years. We’ve seen God’s continued favor through the years, so we trust His faithfulness for where He wants to take us next. Our history and our vision for the purpose-led journey before us is what we’re calling Our Path.
Community Engagement
In recent years, Creekside’s community engagement has grown. It includes ministries like our Prison Ministry, Urban Well Food Pantry, and our partnerships with Manna House and First Look. Still, we believe that God has called us to even more. We’re excited to see the church “Be the Church” in new ways for our community in Ellis county and we are excited to see Him develop the following new ministries in the coming months:

Immediately following phase one renovations, we’ll be launching our own full-time preschool, creating jobs as well as providing a safe and godly early education option for families with young children.

Special Forces
Existing space has already been designated and designed for our developing special needs ministry, known as Special Forces. This will provide a safe place for trained and equipped teachers to minister to special needs children and their families; a sorely needed resource for our area.

Backyard Orphans
With over 400,000 orphans in the U.S. alone, Backyard Orphans has taken up the calling to train and equip leaders from churches in America, and guide them in developing a foster care, adoption, and support ministry. The people of Creekside have answered that call and will be partnering with this organization to find healing homes for hurting children right here in our own backyard.
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Countries… Continents… Creation…
Knowing our Lord’s heart for His people, from Creekside to the ends of the earth, Our Path also bears a greater burden for expanded global reach. We are currently proud to partner with works in Mozambique, Ecuador, New Zealand, Tanzania and our support of Bible translation through Pioneer Bible Translators. Still, we believe that God is calling us to an even more comprehensive missions ministry that spans from local outreach to global missions. In the coming years, this means supporting and partnering with organizations for international evangelism and humanitarian efforts, equipping and sending short and long-term missionaries, and making Creekside a more active participant in the bigger scope of the Great Commission.